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16 Kasım 2011 Çarşamba

9 Targeted Exercises Get Rid of Cellulite


9 Targeted Exercises Get Rid of Cellulite

Read This Brief Report to Find Out How
And Then Get Started…

“The information in this report may infuriate you… It may initially frustrate you… It may also temporarily embarrass you…

But if you’ve been unsuccessful at getting rid of your cellulite with all of the hyped up, expensive “cures” – I promise, this report will not only educate and empower you but most importantly it will expose you to the only successfully proven way to banish the cellulite from your body – regardless of your age or ‘genetics’…”

By Joey Atlas
M.S., Exercise Physiology
Womens’ Body Enhancement Specialist

Jacksonville, FL - At this very moment women of all ages, all around the world, are literally throwing money down the drain on completely ineffective ‘cellulite treatment’ methods and products…

Meanwhile, a small handful of fortunate ladies have discovered something which actually removes cellulite permanently – and with literally no risk, hassle or expense…

In this report you will discover their secret…

- The simple 22-minute, cellulite reducing, method – which in 3.5 years of home tested trials and actual use has amazed the skeptics and empowered hundreds of women to reclaim their natural beauty and regain their womanly self esteem by removing the dimpled, ‘cottage cheese’ looking, orange peel textured appearance from their butt, hips, legs and thighs…

- Most women seeing definite improvements in just 28 days… All without painful weights, dangerous machines or useless gadgets – and NO changes in diet, at all…

This Is Not a Weight Loss Program
It Is ONLY for Getting Rid of Cellulite…

In other words – this is FOR YOU if you are happy with your weight and size – but you have cellulite on your butt, hips and/or thighs that you need to get rid of, with a little ‘lifting, perking and toning’…

The simple fact that you are still reading proves this report has been written for you…

…And the information below is going to help you in ways you could never imagine as I open your eyes to the deceitful lies, profit mongering scams and downright ignorant advice that is relentlessly blasted at you 24/7…

EXPOSED: The Great Cellulite Conspiracy

First and foremost, cellulite is not a ‘thing’. Nor is the word ‘cellulite’ a medical term…

It is simply a ‘made up’ term coined in European salons and spas, during the late 1960′s, to describe the dimpled appearance of skin found on the thighs and buttocks of many women…

Widespread propaganda and promotion of the euro-concept in the United States followed the 1973 publication of ‘Cellulite: Those Lumps, Bumps and Bulges You Couldn’t Lose Before’, by Nicole Ronsard, owner of a New York City beauty salon that specialized in skin and body care.

Cellulite is alleged to be a special type of “fat gone wrong,” – supposedly different from “regular fat”, a combination of fat, water, and “toxic wastes” that the body has failed to eliminate…

To the unsuspecting woman – this may sound logical enough to spend money out of sheer desperation, on one of the many “cure’s for cellulite”… such as…

Ineffective “anti cellulite” products sold through, department stores, retail outlets, by mail order, through multilevel companies, and through the Internet including but not limited to:

“loofah” sponges – cactus fiber scrubbers – special washcloths – horsehair mitts – creams and gels to “dissolve” cellulite – supposed “miracle” pills containing basic vitamins, minerals – powders or liquids containing herbs – bathing liquids or additives – vibrational massagers – rubberized pants – gimmicky devices – bio ceramic cellulite shorts – “dead skin” brushes – “blood circulation” rollers – body wrap treatments – and cellulite reduction lotions…
Scams, Rip-Offs, Lies, Deception, Con-jobs...

At best – some of these approaches may temporarily make the skin feel a little softer and smoother – but in terms of getting rid of the horrendous ripples, bumps and dimples, to give you the freedom to wear attractive swimsuits, dress in cute outfits and enjoy intimate times of being naked without being self conscious…

The harsh reality is NONE of these money wasting methods get the job done… None of them give you permanent cellulite removal…

Because it’s physiologically IMPOSSIBLE…

See – there are no “toxins” to remove… This is a complete farce. The fat beneath your skin is exactly the same as the fat on the rest of your body. The BS advertising pitch claiming “you have toxins that build up in your body from the foods you eat and the air you breath – that get trapped in the fat in your mid-body – causing the bumpy skin…” – is a total bunch of trash…

Medically Tested Proof – “No Such Thing as Cellulite”

Several years ago, Neil Solomon, M.D., conducted a double-blind study of 100 people to see whether “cellulite” differed from ordinary fat. Specimens of regular fat and lumpy fat were obtained by a needle biopsy procedure and given to pathologists for analysis and comparison…

No differences between the two types of fat samples were found.

More recently, researchers at Rockefeller Institute used ultrasonography, microscopic examinations, and fat-metabolism studies to see if “cellulite affected” and unaffected skin areas differed in seven healthy adult subjects – five women, two men; four of them “cellulite” affected, three unaffected.

Not surprisingly – the researchers concluded: (a) certain characteristics of skin make women more prone than men to develop the appearance of “cellulite”; and (b) there were no differences in the appearance or function of the fatty tissue or the regional blood flow between “cellulite” affected and unaffected body areas within these individuals…

Which brings up the burning question…

Why Are Women Allowed to Be Cheated, Deceived and Ripped Off?

The answer will shock you…

The truth is…

The FDA and other regulatory agencies have minimal authority over the Beauty and Cosmetics Industry – the main reason being that most products or services are intended to simply “enhance” superficial aspects of the female body – mainly hair, nails and the skin on the face and problem areas of the body – all externally superficial…

And since most of these types of treatments are “from the outside” – the FDA can just watch from a distance, and basically only get involved if enough complaints are issued by dissatisfied, or injured, women against a specific “anti-cellulite” product or company…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), however, does do it’s best to regulate and control deceptive advertising practices and underhanded sales tactics. The FTC is the branch of the government that has authority over the advertising and marketing tactics used by companies on it’s targeted market (in this case – women with ‘cellulite’)….

Their Sleazy Business Model:
“Prey On Desperate Women by Taking Advantage of
Advertising Loopholes & Flimsy Regulations…”

But, sadly, as I mentioned earlier – the rules that these ‘beauty and cosmetic’ companies ‘must follow’ are so flexible that these products can literally be labeled and marketed as “the magical cellulite cure in a bottle”…

Unfortunately hundreds of thousands of women fall for these ‘false promises’ and these companies make money hand over fist, all at your expense – fully knowing their product CANNOT get rid of your cellulite…

Here’s a perfect example that is sure to make your blood boil…

COMPANY “X” (I can’t print the name for legal reasons) is one of the biggest companies in the “cellulite treatment” business – they market a cellulite treatment ‘system’ by the name ‘Firm and Tone’ and ‘Cellulite Solution Regimen’ – which costs about $510.00 PER MONTH, altogether…

That’s $6,120.00 per year!! ..for some skin moisturizer and a vitamin ‘regimen’!!!…

Once you read this excerpt from an official Medical Toxicology Report – you’ll be more educated than 99.6% of all other women in the world when it comes to the subject of cellulite…

RE: Firming & Toning ‘Serums’, Summary and conclusion: – “…contains a who’s who of skin-detrimental ingredients. Firming and Toning Serum skin cream product claims to “minimize body imperfections ranging from cellulite to stretch marks and saggy skin, leaving you proud to show off”.

… I wouldn’t bank on this water and alcohol-based concoction for any amount of body perfection or improvement – either short term or long term… especially when you consider the amount of irritation your skin will experience from the peppermint, menthol, and several fragrant, volatile oils that have no established benefit for skin – again, either short term or long term.

Last but not least, this product also contains esculin, an extracted component of horse chestnut,which is considered toxic and is not recommended for topical application by skin experts and dermatologists.” (Source: Ellenhorns Medical Toxicology: Diagnoses and Treatment of Human Poisoning, 2nd Edition. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1997)

What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You…

Its the “no harm – no foul rule”…

This means if you choose to buy a cream because you “think” its going to help you – and that cream doesn’t harm you – then that’s OK – even though you didn’t get the promised result you bought the cream for in the first place!!

Doesn’t that make you furious?

…And here’s how this big hoax is allowed to continue… One of the reasons is that you have this element of trust and hope inside you – that says “well, if these bottles say it ‘flushes toxins, improves circulation and removes cellulite’ … then it must work or they wouldn’t be allowed to sell this stuff”…

…And so you buy it – but as always – it doesn’t work – and you are either too embarrassed to tell anyone or to get your money back for something that didn’t live up to its promise – or EVEN WORSE – you think there is something horribly wrong with you and your body – and YOU BLAME IT ON YOURSELF!

None of that is right! …But you’ve sneakily been manipulated into thinking this way – and we are going to put an end to that TODAY…

But first…

I want you to know there are a few things that I agree with you on, about cellulite…

First and foremost…

If you are not getting rid of it – it’s slowly but surely getting worse and worse with each passing week because you have not stopped it’s ‘progression’ by targeting the root cause

But that’s only the beginning…

Yes, it looks horrible…

It affects many aspects of your life…

It forces you to wear clothes you would rather not wear and prevents you from dressing like you really would love to dress…

It makes you avoid fun times at the beach or the pool – or simply stops you from being able to enjoy a vacation where you can soak up the sun, looking great in a bikini…

It forces you to make love with the lights off – or even worse it causes you to avoid sex at all costs – because you don’t want your man to see what it looks like…

…and it wears away at your self esteem, your self confidence and your joy for life…

As a woman – that’s no way to live your life – and soon enough you won’t have to…

All you want is to look and feel sexy with or without your clothes… After all, you are a woman, right?…

The Only Proven Way to Get Rid of Cellulite is
Discovered, Refined and Simplified

At this point you’re probably asking yourself… “How does Joey know this?”

Truth be told – this is my life’s calling – the ability to help you enhance your body is what I’ve been gifted with…

Helping middle-aged women fix and fine-tune their bodies is what I’m known for around the world…

My passion to excel in this specific area grew out of my deep empathy for women who’ve been misled, misinformed or ‘misunderstood’ – and this bond I created with frustrated females has earned me the official title of – ‘The Woman’s Trainer’…

But most importantly, showing you how to get rid of your cellulite with minimal time, effort and hassle is my core specialty…

Remember, this is NOT about losing weight, dieting or becoming a ‘fitness super-model’ – It’s strictly about getting rid of cellulite while lifting the saggy trouble spots and firming-up the problem areas…

You may be surprised to know that I have a bachelors degree in exercise physiology (SUNY Buffalo, NY) and a masters degree in exercise science (LIU – Dobbs Ferry, NY) – but the reality is all that formal education and time spent in the lab only gave me the foundation that would support my future fitness career and journalistic endeavors…

It wouldn’t be until 12 years after college that I’d be faced with the challenge of creating a simple, cellulite reduction exercise routine that could be done in less than 25 minutes, at home

Dana, an old college friend – sent me this email – which would lead me to create the program… …

—- Original Message —–
From: Dana-bizzyB@_______.com
To: joey atlas
Subject: old friend needs your help
Date: Nov. 6 12:15 AM

Dear Joey,

I know it’s been a long time but you know how it can be with marriage, kids ‘n work. I hope you guys are all doin well

I’m writing to you about this because I know you’ll give me the complete honest truth and if anyone can help me its gotta be you.

If you remember back in college I had a little bit of cellulite but it wasn’t too bad

Well, after 2 kids my lower body looks horrendus, I mean cellulite everywhere. I’m so embarassed to take the kids to the pool or beach – I even cringe when I get undressed and can’t stand looking at the mirror with my clothes off.

I look great in my jeans or a form fitting skirt but what lies underneath is atrotious and I need to get rid of it, Joey

Making love is not fun or exciting for me and its bothering Tim also, of course. I can’t beleive Im tellin you this but its at that point you know

Joey can I get rid of the cellulite on my butt, hips and thighs with exercise or am I cursed for life? And if so, can you make me a program to get the job done. I will gladly pay you for your time

Either way I know you won’t BS me & you’ll tell it to me straight.

If you think you can help, keep in mind the program needs to be for ‘at home’ use and not be longer than 30 minutes. As a (crazy) ‘busy mom’ my time is limited and, as you know, I’m not the ‘health club’ type.

I hope you can help. Say ‘Hi’ to the family for me.


PS; You probably already know, I’ve tried all the ‘cream’ scams and beauty spa treatments only to prove to myself ‘none of them worked’

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

A Challenge Issued and The Cellulite Reduction Method is Born…

After I got Dana’s email – I couldn’t sleep for 2 days – partially because I could feel her pain – but more so because I thrive on this type of challenge – and my wheels where turning 24/7 until I drafted the initial anti cellulite exercise routine…

Based on past success with various female clients I knew this program was sure to work for Dana but before I sent it to her – I wanted to give this specific routine a ‘test run’…

At the time, my sister Marisa was going through a relationship issue – and had fallen off her exercise routine – causing her to develop some cellulite in the butt, hip and thigh area.

Getting ‘back into the gym’ was not an option for her because of the mild state of depression she was in – BUT I was able to convince her to follow my cellulite reduction program at home – every other day…

She did – and 4 weeks later – she was ecstatic yet baffled… Her cellulite was gone – but being a ‘health club’ regular – she simply couldn’t understand why this approach could work so well – WITHOUT the weights and machines type routines of the health club…

You must understand – to my ‘younger’ sister, I’m not a ‘Guru’ – I’m just her ‘older brother’ – but after this eye-opening experience she realized her older brother does indeed hold some ‘Guru’ status…

Two Older, Out-of-Shape Ladies ‘Drop-Kick’ Their Cellulite Problem

So she asks… “Joey – there are two older ladies I work with. They’re not really overweight – but they are un-toned and they both have cellulite that they always complain about – can I make copies of the program and give it to them?”

I said… “Sure – as long as they promise to follow it as outlined – and keep us posted on the changes…”

Marisa replies… “Cool – they will love you for this – you have no idea…”

Sure as sunshine – two and half weeks later one of the women, Annette, asked my sister for my number and called me directly to personally thank me for the improvements she had already seen, and to tell me there was no doubt in her mind she would have “at least a 90% reduction of the cellulite before summer…”

The other woman, Trish, wasn’t able to start at the same time – due to the flu, but after seeing what the program had done for my sister and Annette – she started as soon as she was back on her feet…

…And 5 weeks after starting – she sent me an email of praise and ‘amazement’, as she put it, – to let me know how happy she is with “making her body young again”… She mentioned how everyone told her that her “cellulite was genetic and she would just have to live with it…” Now they all swear she had some ‘surgical procedure’ during vacation time…

At this point I know I have the program that is going to get rid of Dana’s cellulite – BUT, I spend another week fine-tuning, and tightening it up a bit – so that she could fit it into her schedule no matter how busy she is…

I send her the program with exact photos and instructions – so there is absolutely no guess work and no need for excuses…

Dana promises me that she’ll follow the routine and keep me posted…

She emails me 2 weeks later asking… “Joey is it possible to see improvements in this short amount of time – or is it just my imagination?”

I emailed her back to let her know – “it’s not typical – but, some women do see results quicker than others…”

About two and half weeks later, she emails me again…

“Joey, I don’t know how else to say this, but you’re a F%&*!^G genius, I love you! Oh, and Tim sends his love and “thanks” as well ;-)

Joey my cellulite is almost totally gone – and I’m getting a nicely toned look THAT I NEVER HAD – even before the kids, HAHAHA!!.

This is simply amazing. I knew if anyone could help me with this. it must be you… Joey, my friends are all shocked, bordering on jealousy and the women in the mom’s club are totally dying to get their hands on your program so just let me know if I can openly share it or not…

And one last thing…

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! You can’t imagine how happy I am now…

Tons of hugs, Dana”

I told Dana to keep the printed version of the cellulite reduction program ‘under wraps’ – as I would be making a digital version available via the internet…

So what does this mean to you, today?

It Means You Get Sexy, You Get Wiser and You Get Sweet ‘Revenge’

Picture this…

It’s been a quick 3.5 weeks since you got started after learning the Truth About Cellulite and you are utterly ecstatic about the changes that have taken place so far…

Before bathing, you undress with a smile as you gaze at yourself in the mirror, turning your hips to the side as you run your hand over your firmly lifted buns and tightly smoothed thighs – you absolutely love what you see (and so does your man!) – but it gets better…

After you bathe, you dry yourself off – and then grab your favorite moisturizer… You squeeze some lotion into the palm of your hand – you rub the lotion onto both palms – and you begin massaging the lotion into your right upper thigh, hip and buttocks region – working your way down to your knee and calve area…

As you do this – you are almost in disbelief about the new firmness and tightness of your entire butt, hip and thigh area… The cellulite is almost gone – and you notice a sexy toning effect from the simple exercises you’ve been doing…

You lift your head to look right at the mirror – and the mirror doesn’t lie – as it shows you a true reflection of pure attractiveness…

The dimply, bumpy skin has been replaced with gently toned, tightly smoothed and firmly sculpted, tantalizing flesh… You realize everything is getting smoother and tighter…

and next…

You begin to get dressed and you slip on a cute pair of bikini panties – that perfectly accentuate your silky smooth butt and thighs…

You then slip on your favorite little dress that you’ve been afraid to wear for the last few years, you turn away from the mirror – and look over your shoulder to take a good look at your tightly smoothed thighs and legs…

Just then – your man walks in and says “Sweetheart, whatever you’ve been doing these last few weeks – please promise me you’ll never stop because I just can’t get my eyes off your body!”

You smile and reply “Don’t worry honey – I have no reason to stop – it’s just so easy to do… But I must warn you – things are gonna get even better… so we’ll be going clothes shopping soon for some more sexy outfits…”

He replies, in a near-hypnotic state “Just say the word, babe, and shopping for sexy clothes we go!”

Your Nasty Cellulite is Gone for Good and
No More Wasting Time or Money

This 22-minute, cellulite reduction method makes it finally happen for you…

My female clients have officially named this program… NAKED BEAUTY – “Cellulite Free In 28 Days, Guaranteed” …and here’s what your program does for you…

- Tightens, lifts and smooths the skin of your buttocks & upper thighs with 3 floor exercises that surprise even the best trainers and fitness pros…

- It keeps lots of money in YOUR purse – Beauty spa operators want women to think “exercise doesn’t work” so you keep shelling out big bucks, month after month, in the hopes that “some day – the cloth wrap treatments are going to magically cure your cellulite…”

- Been told that “cardio and diet gets rid of cellulite…” by some ‘know it all’? Ha! – NOT TRUE! – See, dieting is for weight loss and “traditional cardio” is for aerobic endurance. All you want to do is get rid of your cellulite – NAKED BEAUTY gets rid of your cellulite without dieting and without running yourself into the ground…

- Only 36% of women who follow my method need some cardio. I tell you how to determine if you need it – and if so, I map out exactly which 3 types of cardio, and the precise way to do the cardio, with a few options/variations – so you are not slowing down your cellulite reduction results…

- My laser-targeted Form-Tempo-Sequence formula of SYMULAST that gives you measurable cellulite reduction in minimal time – WITHOUT cutting into your busy schedule…

- Have you read that “cellulite is caused by a build-up of toxins in the body…”? Don’t believe this scam-based bu!!$#it for 2 seconds… This ‘toxin theory’ is the foundation for one of the biggest beauty product rip-offs on the market… Our bodies are designed to eliminate toxins around the clock… If toxins really were accumulating in your body – you’d be dead already – just ask your trusted doctor about it…

- Has some “neighborhood expert” told you “Your cellulite is genetic and permanent…”? Well, in 3.5 weeks they’ll be eating crow and green with envy when you unveil your gorgeous, new cellulite-free body…

- Sneaky advertising schemes of “cellulite dissolving” products that cost women a fortune… As a NAKED BEAUTY Client you’ll never be victimized by those con-artists again…

- Next month when your cellulite is gone – you’ll want it to stay gone for the rest of your life… Your Life-Time Anti-Cellulite Prevention and Maintenance Schedule shows you exactly how to KEEP your skin smooth, tight and sexy forever. These easy to follow schedules make your life simple and EXTREMELY enjoyable…

- Be ready to turn some heads at the next beach outing or poolside gathering… You’ll be totally excited to show off your cellulite free body in a great looking bikini WITHOUT a cover up…

- Have you tried the brutal “weights and machines” approach at the gym – only to be disappointed after so much sweaty effort? If so, don’t worry… See, you’re not a bodybuilder or ‘fitness competitor’ – you simply want to get rid of your cellulite… so your answer isn’t “in the gym” – it’s in a careful combination of bodyweight movements that smooth and tighten the surface of your skin by PROPERLY toning and firming the muscles DIRECTLY behind the dimpled, bumpy areas of your body…

- Includes several unique, yet simple, moves you do right in your family room that smooth, firm and lift the skin above your knees, and on your inner thighs… You’ll NEVER see these at your local fitness center…

- Did you ‘get cellulite after having kids’? If so – I’m sure you’re frustrated and depressed about it… No need to worry any more though – because there is one proven way to reverse the skin-rippling effects of child-bearing – and I map it out for you, step-by-step, in the 22-minute program called NAKED BEAUTY…

- Nothing complements your attractive lower body like a tight and sexy pair of arms… In your 8-minute video, Tightly Toned Arms I walk you through a simple, yet focused sequence of exercises you can do at home or at the office – that tighten the “flappy flab” – and keep your beautiful arms toned for eternity…

- The single most important scheduling factor that gives you dazzling cellulite reduction results while making your life easier… It’s based on my ‘SYMULAST’ method… tailor made for regular women with really busy lifestyles…

- Doesn’t matter if you’re 16 or 67 years old. What matters is that you’re alive… Your body’s physiological response to this laser targeted routine is the same as any other woman, regardless of age… The muscles under the skin get firmer and tighter – making the skin get firmer, tighter and smoother – it’s that simple…

- Want to tighten and tone your stomach – and KEEP it that way as you get older? You have Private Client Access to a 9-minute online video – where I show you exactly what to do… One of the results-delivering moves in this laser-targeted routine is called the Tummy Tucker… need I say more?

The Science Behind Looking Great In the Nude…

Here’s why it works:

The anatomical illustration below shows you the two primary types of skin:

skin muscle layer comparison

Bumpy Skin ------- Smooth Skin

1) ‘Bumpy Cellulite Skin’ on the left… and… 2) ‘Tightly Smoothed Skin’ on the right

The pink area just below the skin surface (epidermis) is the deeper layer called the ‘dermis’.

Below the dermis, shaded in a yellowish tone is subcutaneous (under the skin) fat. We all have this fat under our skin – without it we would die… some people just have more of it than others…

What is not shown in the side by side comparison image above is the layer just beneath the yellowish fat layer – which is the muscle layer…

If that image gave us an expanded view – we would see a dark red layer of muscle tissue at the bottom of both pictures… exactly like this image below…

muscle layer

Supportive Muscle Layer (At Bottom)

This muscle layer at the bottom is where the cellulite reduction ‘magic’ takes place…

We all have this muscle layer just below the subcutaneous fat – without it – you would not be able to move or function…

When these muscles are not stimulated properly – they get soft and limp and ‘deflated’. Most people commonly refer to this as being ‘mushy’ or ‘flabby’…

When these muscles in your cellulite zones are soft, limp and un-toned – it allows your skin and the fat layer to also be soft and limp and uneven… causing the skin to ‘dimple’ and pucker – hence giving you the appearance of “cellulite” – or the ‘orange-peel’ effect…

BUT – when you stimulate these muscles properly – you cause them to firm-up, even-out and create a smoothing effect on the outermost layer of your skin – the layer that you see when you look in the mirror naked…

In essence you are simply getting your muscles to tone-up and ‘push-out’ against your skin so it is pulled tightly and evenly around everything underneath it, such as the deeper layer of the dermis, the subcutaneous fat and the connective tissue…

So Why Can’t the Typical ‘Gym Routines’ Get Rid of Cellulite?

It’s very simple…

Weights and machines disperse the ‘resistance’ stimulus (or force) throughout the major muscles, tendons, ligaments and the joints of a certain area or body region being worked…

At best – this approach will result in some strengthening and maybe some added muscle bulk in the large muscles…

But this traditional “gym methodology” completely misses the mark when it comes to the focused and intentional reduction of cellulite in the lower body of a woman…

And here’s the reason why…

The small muscles directly beneath the cellulite areas – DO NOT get adequately stimulated to bring about the desired effect of ‘firming-up and ‘pushing-out’ on the cellulite specific areas which results in the ‘tightly smoothed’ look…

The missing element in most “exercise” approaches is Multi-Dimensional body movements. Typical gym/fitness center routines are only 2-Dimensional, as all movements are very rigid and pre-guided according to the machine or the single joint isolation exercise being performed…

By getting rid of the “weights and machines” approach to cellulite reduction – we can then focus on properly targeted, natural body-weight movements WHICH DO give you Synergistic Muscle Layer Stimulation… Called “SYMULAST” for short…

Synergistic Muscle Layer Stimulation-Called “SYMULAST” for short.
Sy.Mu.La.St. – definition: “Unique method… provides Multi-Dimensional stimulation to the fine muscle layers just beneath the cellulite zones….”

You have 90 muscles, of all shapes and sizes,
from your waist – down to your ankles

This photo shows what most of your lower-body muscle structure looks like (and keep in mind- this is ONLY the front view!):

leg butt hip thigh female muscles

90 Muscles In Female Lower Body Zone

All of those muscles in your lower body need proper stimulation to be firmly lifted, toned and shapely.

Without the right stimulation they ALL get “deflated”, flat, mushy and un-toned (Muscular Atrophy is the physiological term). This causes the appearance of the cellulite bumps, dimples and lumps…

Reversing Muscular Atrophy Removes the Cause of “Cellulite”

This sounds simple because it actually really is… and…

By now I think you’ll agree I’ve given you a lot of helpful information for putting your ‘soon to be history’ cellulite condition into better perspective…

But even more so – I know you understand the main reasons why your cellulite issues will soon be replaced with the gorgeous, irresistible body you know you can have… Just like these lucky ladies…

——– Original Message ——–

Subject: Re: my personal success and a “thank you” (thighs & butt cellulite)
From: Sonia T.
Date: Thu, March 03, 4:19 am
To: Joey Atlas

Hello Joey and team

I just wanted to say that I have been doing the programme for about 4 weeks .. 3 to 4 times a week and have noticed cellulite reduction already. I am not a big person (61kg) and about 5’4 but was unhappy with the way my lower body was heading. The cellulite was getting worse and worse.

Your targeted program, coupled with sensible eating since New Years Day, means I can now fit back into my ‘benchmark’ jeans that I am happiest in and am getting compliments on my butt as my shape has changed for the better.. wonderful as I am 59 years old.. eek!!

I also use an exercycle for additional training.. am thinking of investing in your upper body programme as well as I currently use dumbbells to ward off the dreaded tuckshop lady arms.. …I have paid heaps in the past for gym membership… but never again.

Thanks.. Sonia
PS- I also enjoy your motivational emails

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: thank you!
From: kathleen fredrick
Date: Wed, March 02, 4:37 am
To: joey – truthaboutcellulite


I am not one to post reviews or send in testimonials but I felt it was necessary after its only been 3 1/2 weeks with your naked beauty anti-cellulite program, and I wanted to thank you for utilizing your knowledge about muscles for the benefit of womens trouble spots.

The ironic thing about my situation is that I didnt develop cellulite until about 6 months ago. Im 22 years old, very athletic, and have always enjoyed incorporating exercise into my life. Throughout my first three years in college, I went threw the normal highs and lows but always took good care of my body and what I consumed for the most part.

When I hit my senior year alot of negative experiences occured, (I emphasize alot) for about 6 months; I was at a very low period. I didnt know how to deal with it so I took away the one thing I could always control; my image. I quit working out, drink ALOT, and ate fast food way too frequently. My body began to slowly transform from 114 lbs to about 140lbs after 6 months.

As I progressively began to buy bigger jeans and look in the mirror, I was shocked to see the amount of cellulite I had in such little time, and it was getting worse by the week. This was a slap in the face for me!

So, I did extensive research and started to spend 90 mins in the gym a day ( I live too close to the beach so I had to fix my legs..lol); trying to”run” my cellulite away and go back to having perfect legs. But even pushing myself so hard didn%u2019t work because I was doing the wrong things. It was all overkill without fixing the problem.

Thats when I decided to give your naked beauty routine a chance and Im fortunate to say that your program was the first and last Ill ever need. (make note; I was VERY skeptical before I got started with your routine).

As I am about to get my BS in Kinesiology specializing in OT; I was very impressed with the simpleness yet effectiveness of your program. This made alot of sense to me after doing the exercises that most of the cardio will not benefit you until you target the areas needed. The plan/time areas was thought out while the sequence of the exercises are right on.

To get to my point, I have been pretty consistent and did cheat a few days but stuck with it and only did the exercises one set for the reps listed. Its been less than 4 weeks and the cellulite is so close to being gone that I had to write you! My only regret is not taking pictures :(

Sorry for this extensive never ending email but I just wanted to say “Thank You!!!”

– kathleen fredrick



You’ve seen why the bogus body wraps, fake creams, phony potions can’t work, and why women are allowed to be continuously ripped off…

You’ve seen how women from all walks of life are getting rid of their ‘cellulite’, without killing themselves ‘in the gym’ – or following some cockamamie diet…

You’ve seen how in just 24-28 days these women are experiencing visible, definite results, without risking thousands of dollars on risky surgery that IS NEVER guaranteed, without wasting money and time on scams and rip-offs – and without taking chances on things that can make your cellulite even worse…

Now what about you?

“OK Joey! I’m ready to get rid of my cellulite so
I can finally look & feel sexy naked…
What exactly comes with my program and
how do I get instant access to it?”

Your wait is over, baby…

Here’s what you get…

1: The Naked Beauty / Symulast Method:
Online Video

Naked Beauty-Symulast Online Video Version

Naked Beauty-Symulast Online Video Version

2: The Naked Beauty / Symulast Method:
Printable PDF Version

Naked Beauty-Symulast Method Printable PDF Version

Naked Beauty-Symulast Method Printable PDF Version

3: Personal Naked Beauty-Symulast Schedule:
Printable PDF Version

Personal Naked Beauty-Symulast Schedule Printable PDF Version

Personal Naked Beauty-Symulast Schedule

4: Naked Beauty Cardio Cheat-Sheet:
Printable PDF Version

Naked Beauty Cardio Cheat-Sheet Printable PDF Version

Naked Beauty Cardio Cheat-Sheet Printable PDF Version

5: The Cellulite Files – e-Newsletter

The Cellulite Files - e-Newsletter

The Cellulite Files - e-Newsletter

6: Long Term Naked Beauty Maintenance and
Cellulite Prevention Schedule

Long Term Naked Beauty Maintenance and Cellulite Prevention Schedule

Naked Beauty Maintenance and Cellulite Prevention Schedule


Total Package Worth Over $500.00

Claim Your Naked Beauty Package Now

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